Thursday, September 15, 2011

Does Rick Perry use a Gillette Fusion ProGlide Power Razor?

I must admit that while Rick Perry is a Texas hick he does have a heavy beard like George Clooney.  It would be fun to arrive in a stagecoach and drink bourbon while going wild turkey or wild boar hunting with old Rick.  As an upper class Republican from back east, I have recently switched razors and am now using the new Gillette Fusion ProGlide Power razor together with the new Gillette Fusion ProSeries Thermal Face Scrub.  Frankly the new razor works great for a manly man such as myself as I smoke cigars, drink scotch and shave twice a day.  If you have not used the new Gillette Fusion ProSeries Thermal Face Scrub, do yourself a favor and at least try it.  Gillette is an amazing company, they have invented a new product that never existed and created an entirely new market for manly men.  I would like to compare my testosterone level with Rick Perry.

Check it out.

Gillette Fusion ProSeries Thermal Face Scrub.

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