I must admit that while Rick Perry is a Texas hick he does have a heavy beard like George Clooney. It would be fun to arrive in a stagecoach and drink bourbon while going wild turkey or wild boar hunting with old Rick. As an upper class Republican from back east, I have recently switched razors and am now using the new Gillette Fusion ProGlide Power razor together with the new Gillette Fusion ProSeries Thermal Face Scrub. Frankly the new razor works great for a manly man such as myself as I smoke cigars, drink scotch and shave twice a day. If you have not used the new Gillette Fusion ProSeries Thermal Face Scrub, do yourself a favor and at least try it. Gillette is an amazing company, they have invented a new product that never existed and created an entirely new market for manly men. I would like to compare my testosterone level with Rick Perry.
Check it out.
Gillette Fusion ProSeries Thermal Face Scrub.
Laughing at the weakling beta male Rick Perry, the biggest Texas hick in history as well as his weak minded Christian fundamentalist followers.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Michelle Bachmann helps kill off her spawn by encouraging cervical cancer
As an upper class Republican, I must say that I am impressed that Rick Perry issued an executive order adding Gardasil to the states required vaccination list for young 11 and 12 year old girls. Gradasil is an important weapon agains human papillomavirus (HPV) which is a known cause of cervical cancer in women as well as anal cancer among both men and women who partake in anal sex as do most modern humans. In addition, while the vast majority of men perform cunninglingus on women and women perform fellatio on men, both sexes are at risk for developing head and neck cancer as HPV is found in an estimated 26-35% of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.
The vast majority of modern boys and girls begin their sexual awaking and participation in sexual activities as they turn 13 and enter their teenage years. For this reason I fully support vaccination preteen boys and girls.
On the other hand, the spawn of lower class, unsophisticated Christian fundamentalists such as Michelle Bachmann should be encouraged to die and therefore I am quite happy that people such as Michelle Bachmann refuse to vaccinate their children against HPV. By not vaccinating their children they are helping evolution dispose of useless eaters which in turn improves the human breeding stock for future generations. The fact that their spawn are not vaccinated and thus have a greater chance of dying from cervical cancer, anal and head/neck cancer is actually quite wonderful and I applaud the fact that they wish to kill their children.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Top 15 Questions for Rick Perry
- Are you a sodomite? Do you currently or have you in the past practiced oral or anal sex with your wife, other women or men?
- Please list all sexually transmitted diseases for which you have been treated.
- Have you ever infected your wife with a sexually transmitted disease? If so please name the disease (s) as well as dates of infection.
- Why have you not released your juvenile court records? What do you have to hide?
- Has your wife or any woman ever aborted your child?
- How many illegitimate children have you fathered? What are their names, sex and date of birth?
- Have you ever had sex with a farm animal such as a sheep, donkey, horse, goat or chicken or a domesticated animal such as a dog?
- During your gay encounters with other men (if any) do you consider yourself to be a bottom, a top or are you a switch hitter?
- Is it true that you have proposed a ban on Apple computers in state government due to the fact that Tim Cook, the current CEO of Apple is a gay man?
- Have you practiced incest with either an immediate or extended family member?
- Do you practice analingus either giving or as a receptive participant?
- Are you a transvestite?
- Have you ever exposed yourself in public?
- As a weakling beta male are you a cuckold? If not, are you as has been reported, obsessed with a cuckold fantasies to the point that they are overpowering your life?
- Do you enjoy fisting your wife? What is the largest object that you have inserted inside your wife or your mistress besides your fist, for instance a baseball bat or other large object?
Thank you.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Rick Perry to allow murder of wild pigs from the sky
Reported by - Myrtle The Black Texas Pig
A new law signed by Rick Perry will allow hunters in Texas to rent a seat on a helicopter and hunt wild pigs from the sky.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Rick Perry at Key West Drag Bar - LA TE DA's
RICK PERRY SPENT $78.26 at KEY WEST DRAG BAR- LA TE DA's.. blames it on his wife!
Hey RICKYYYYY..you got some SPLAINING to do..
He spent $78.26 at a Key West Drag bar. Receipt and all surfaced - so did the denials -- suddenly "it was his wife, Anita." With 200 restaurants in Key West she picks a drag resort for "lunch" -- sorry Rick you are "BUSTED!" and the word is "out!" LOL!
1. Who spent the Governor’s campaign money at La-Te-Da that day?
2. Is it normal from someone from the campaign to conduct a “business meeting” at a Key West, gay hotel and drag show venue? What was the nature of the meeting?
3. As I read Texas law, out-of state-travel is supposed to be designated by checking the box in the entry and completing an accompanying Schedule T form. Can you provide to me the Schedule T form as originally filed? If not, can you please explain its absence?
4. Where was Governor Perry when the money was spent on this “business meeting?”
5. Could you provide me with the Governor’s schedule for two weeks before and after the date of the expenditure?
6. On what did Governor Perry, or a representative of his campaign, spend $78.26 at the club – an admission ticket, alcohol or something else?
2. Is it normal from someone from the campaign to conduct a “business meeting” at a Key West, gay hotel and drag show venue? What was the nature of the meeting?
3. As I read Texas law, out-of state-travel is supposed to be designated by checking the box in the entry and completing an accompanying Schedule T form. Can you provide to me the Schedule T form as originally filed? If not, can you please explain its absence?
4. Where was Governor Perry when the money was spent on this “business meeting?”
5. Could you provide me with the Governor’s schedule for two weeks before and after the date of the expenditure?
6. On what did Governor Perry, or a representative of his campaign, spend $78.26 at the club – an admission ticket, alcohol or something else?
Rick Perry Gay Boy Scout
San Francisco -- For 81 years, the Boy Scouts of America has pledged to shape American boys into men. Now the organization that says "once a scout, always a scout" is being forced to confront a definition of manhood it finds challenging: gay men who speak proudly of their scouting days and argue that being homosexual is not incompatible with being an exemplary scout.
In fact, the gay former scouts say, their days spent in olive uniforms, building campfires and doing good deeds have helped many gay boys become leaders.
"Scouting has done a great job for gay people," said William Boyce Mueller, a gay San Francisco man who is a former Cub Scout and the grandson of the founder of the Boy Scouts of America, William Dickson Boyce. "It has turned them into good role models and taught them values." In a growing number of challenges here and elsewhere in the nation, the Boy Scout organization is being pressured to stop anti-homosexual teachings.
The challenges have included a national letter-writing campaign from gay former scouts; the formation of a group calling itself "Queer Scouts" to apply for scoutmaster positions at the Boy Scout office in San Francisco; the cancellation of scouting contracts with school districts in San Francisco and San Jose because of the Boy Scouts' policy of discrimination and the review of Boy Scout funding by United Way chapters in San Francisco and Chicago, which oppose the Scouts' discrimination.
"The Boy Scouts are doing a great deal of damage to heterosexual scouts by telling them homosexuals are not all right," said Dinio Piacentini, 24, a gay former Boy Scout. "That kind of thinking encourages gay-bashing."
The controversy between the United Way and the Boy Scouts, two integral American institutions, has been particularly charged here this fall, as United Way begins its annual fund drive.
Last summer the San Francisco co chapter of the United Way canceled $9,000 in funding to the Boy Scouts because of its refusal to allow homosexuals to participate in scouting activities. A task force is currently meeting twice a month with Boy Scout officials and gay leaders to try to work out a solution. At stake is $1.2 million in United Way funding to are scouting councils.
The Boy Scouts have said they will not compromise on the issue of homosexuality. The organization says that the pledge each scout makes "to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight" is a pledge that supports heterosexuality.
"Morally straight to us is a traditional, heterosexual, family-oriented relationship," said Blake Lewis, nation spokesman for the Boy Scouts of America, in Irving, Texas. "We don't believe homosexuality offers values consistent with these values."
The Boy Scouts were handed a legal victory in May, when a judge in Los Angeles ruled that the organization had the right to refuse to allow a gay teen-ager to become an assistant scoutmaster.
In San Francisco, a group of gay former scouts called Forgotten Scouts formed this fall to counter the Boy Scouts' belief that gay men are somehow at odds with family values.
"For the Scouts to try to determine what the American family is is out of line," said Ken McPerson, a founder of Forgotten Scouts, whose 26 founding members include journalist Randy Shilts and author Armistead Maupin.
"They always try to separate us from the rest of society... We've always been an important part of scouting."
Rick Perry Gay Boy Scout
..in a little-noticed passage in his first book, “On My Honor,” a encomium on the Boy Scouts published in 2008, Perry also drew a parallel between homosexuality and alcoholism. “Even if an alcoholic is powerless over alcohol once it enters his body, he still makes a choice to drink,” he wrote. “And, even if someone is attracted to a person of the same sex, he or she still makes a choice to engage in sexual activity with someone of the same gender.”
He also said that gays should not have sex:
In “On My Honor,” Perry also punted on the exact origins of homosexuality. He wrote that he is “no expert on the ‘nature versus nurture’ debate,” but that gays should simply choose abstinence.
We are hearing a rumor that Rick Perry has long had a problem resisting his attraction to other men. Apparently the problem first manifested itself when as a young boy he was forced to come to terms with his homosexual nature after being caught in a compromising situation in a field near Paint Creek. Apparently young Rick was caught sleeping buck naked in a pup tent with a younger boy. The younger boy was a cub scout who was being mentored by young Rickey.
As punishment for his "impure" thoughts young Rick was often forced to wear a Kali's teeth band on his youthful penis. His mother kept a watchful eye on young Rickey and reported evidence of nocturnal emmissions to his pastor who reportedly led a private prayer group that attempted to "pray the gay out" out of Rickey.
As several members of the Ron Paul camp have stated, "Why would a grown man be so obsessed with boy scouts? Could it be that he is not so much interested in scouting as he is in boys?"
Rick Perry threatens Ron Paul.
Mr. Perry is reportedly very upset with the Ron Paul camp who he is accusing of leaking the gay boy scout story. He is also furious with Mitt Romney who refused Mr. Perry's persistent demands that young under 18 years of age boy scouts be allowed to serve as ushers at the 2002 Winter Olympics. Of course Mitt, knowing of Rick's proclivities refused his untoward requests.
A young Rick Perry was frequently observed in and around Paint Creek wearing nothing but a pair of black leather chaps. When cowboys would ride in from the range, young Rickey would grab his crotch suggestively, giggle and wink, then he would bend over and spread his arse cheeks so as to show the cowboys what he had to offer. He was not a shy child.
A young Rick Perry was frequently observed in and around Paint Creek wearing nothing but a pair of black leather chaps. When cowboys would ride in from the range, young Rickey would grab his crotch suggestively, giggle and wink, then he would bend over and spread his arse cheeks so as to show the cowboys what he had to offer. He was not a shy child.
Rick Perry Boy Scout Sex Rumors
There are persistant rumors concerning Rick Perry and a sex scandal when he was in the Boy Scouts and later as a Scout Master. We are working to verify what we are hearing.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Monday, September 5, 2011 9:18 AM EDT
Rick Perry Campaign: 10 Reasons He Is Too Extreme to Win
By Maggie Astor
Texas Gov. Rick Perry, the latest frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination, has taken positions so radical that it's difficult to imagine how he could compete in the general election if nominated. His are not just a handful of ill-advised statements, as is the case with many candidates. He may be more extreme even than Michele Bachmann, who has come to symbolize the arrival of the far right to the Republican mainstream. In fact, it is hard to think of a single first-tier, major-party candidate in history whose positions have been so consistently radical.
Individually, some of these positions are commonplace in today's Republican Party. But the candidate who holds all of them at once faces a serious uphill battle against even a weakened President Obama.
Here are 10 of the most extreme positions Perry has taken, and why they might hurt his chances in the general election, even if they help him in the Republican primary:
10. He called Social Security anti-American.
Perry blasted Social Security in his 2010 book, "Fed Up," saying it was created "at the expense of respect for the Constitution and limited government" and was a "violent" assault on American values. He also compared the program to "an illegal Ponzi scheme," in which there won't be enough money later on to support the workers who are paying into the system now.
He vacillates between rhetoric that implies he wants to dismantle Social Security and rhetoric that implies he wants to reform and fix it, and it has never been clear exactly what he would do as president. While it is undeniable that Social Security is in bad shape financially and many people support reforming it, the program itself is very popular. If voters believe Perry would cut Social Security or reform it in undesirable ways, they will be less likely to vote for him. Politico noted that this will probably be a key factor in Florida, which has a large elderly population and whose 29 electoral votes could decide the 2012 election.
9. He opposed raising the debt ceiling.
Republican politicians demanded huge spending cuts in exchange for raising the debt ceiling, but most understood that it did ultimately need to be raised. Perry, however -- like fellow presidential candidate Michele Bachmann -- said flat-out while the debate was raging that he did not believe it was necessary to raise the ceiling to avoid economic damage. "There's still going to be revenues flowing in, so I think this threat that somehow or another the world is going to come to an end and the threat of, 'We're not going to be able to pay our bills,' is a bit of a stretch," he said. "Most Americans know this: we've spent too much money. We've gotten our house in bad shape, and we need to stop spending."
Like Bachmann, Perry was also criticized for glossing over the fact that cutting spending was a separate issue from paying for expenses already incurred.
8. He doesn't believe in evolution or climate change.
He told a child at a campaign stop in New Hampshire last month that evolution was "a theory that's out there. It's got some gaps in it. In Texas we teach both creationism and evolution." And in July, before he announced his candidacy, he said there were "clear indications from our people who have amazing intellectual capability that this didn't happen by accident and a creator put this in place." He did not specify who those intellectuals were or what gaps he saw in the theory of evolution.
At the same campaign stop in New Hampshire, he dismissed the idea of climate change caused by human activity. "I think we're seeing almost weekly, or even daily, scientists that are coming forward and questioning the original idea that manmade global warming is what is causing the climate to change," he said. "I don't think from my perspective that I want to be engaged in spending that much money on still a scientific theory that has not been proven and from my perspective is more and more being put into question." Again, he did not give any examples of the scientists he referred to.
Neither evolution nor climate change has as much public support as one might think -- a 2010 Gallup poll found that 48 percent of Americans thought the threat of global warming had been exaggerated -- but even so, outright denials like Perry's are very risky for someone who wants to be president.
7. He has suggested repealing the 16th and 17th Amendments.
Perry supports several changes to the Constitution, some of which -- like an amendment banning same-sex marriage -- are fairly common among conservatives. But others are extreme from any angle. He said in his book that he wanted to repeal the 16th Amendment, which permits a federal income tax, calling it "a milestone on the road to serfdom." Tax cuts are standard Republican fare, but it is unusual to hear a front-running candidate for a major office advocate eliminating the income tax entirely.
He also opposes the 17th Amendment, which provides for the popular election of senators. (Before it was ratified, senators were elected by the state legislatures, as per Article I, Section 3 of the Constitution.) In a 2010 interview with Andrew Romano of The Daily Beast, Perry claimed that direct election transferred power from the states to the federal government. "The states were historically more in control when they decided who those senators were going to be," he said. "So that's the historic concept of checks and balances, when you had the concept of the federal government and the states. The 17th Amendment is when the states started getting out of balance with the federal government, is my belief."
Never mind that "checks and balances" refers to the division of power among the executive, legislative and judicial branches, not to the division of power between the federal and state governments, which is properly referred to as federalism. In any case, the logic behind Perry's argument is difficult to understand -- what real power does the federal government gain if individuals in each state elect their senators rather than the state legislatures electing them? -- and it is such a radical position, even among conservatives, that it is likely to alienate many voters.
6. He wants to set judicial term limits and let Congress override Supreme Court decisions.
Another constitutional amendment Perry has suggested would set term limits for federal judges, including Supreme Court justices. "We should take steps to restrict the unlimited power of the courts to rule over us with no accountability," he wrote in his book. "One proposal, for example, would have judges roll off every two years based on seniority." Perry is far from alone in arguing that federal judges are unaccountable to the American people or that they overstep their bounds by "legislating from the bench." However, the purpose of lifetime tenure for judges was to ensure that they would not become overly partisan or ideological, which they would be more likely to do if they were subject to reappointment or dismissal. Given this, term limits are unlikely to play well with voters, either Republican or Democratic.
Even more controversially, Perry suggested allowing Congress to override Supreme Court decisions by a two-thirds vote in both the House and the Senate. To his credit, he did acknowledge that this could result in "increased politicization of judicial decisions," but he concluded that it was worth it because it would "stop the court from unilaterally deciding policy." This seems like a real political nonstarter, even and perhaps especially among Perry's fellow Republicans, who have long excoriated "activist judges" for politically charged decisions.
5. He is the most anti-abortion governor in Texas history.
Perry believes abortion should be illegal except in the case of rape or incest, or if the mother's life is in danger. This is a very common position among conservatives, but Perry stands out in terms of the sheer number of anti-abortion laws he has passed as governor. He supported bills to establish a mandatory 24-hour waiting period before an abortion and to require minors to get parental permission. Other bills required doctors to inform women seeking abortions that the procedure could increase their risk of breast cancer, or to perform a sonogram and describe the fetus to the woman. He supported the unsuccessful congressional effort to eliminate all federal funding for Planned Parenthood, even for its non-abortion health services, and he signed the Susan B. Anthony List pledge to appoint only anti-abortion judges and cabinet members.
A voter who supports abortion rights would probably be more inclined to look past a candidate's opposition to abortion and vote for him or her anyway if there weren't such a paper trail, so to speak. The Texas Tribune recently interviewed Ted Miller, a spokesman for NARAL Pro-Choice America, and wrote, "What worries NARAL's Miller about Perry is his determination. Miller said that ideologically, there's little difference between the position of Bush and Perry on abortion -- but that Perry's tone feels much more vehement." Pro-choice voters will fear that, with Rick Perry as president, Roe v. Wade would be threatened in a way it has not been under any other president, even those who opposed abortion -- and this fear would not be unfounded. After all, Perry said in January, "We can't afford to give up the good fight until the day Roe v. Wade is nothing but a shameful footnote in our nation's history books."
4. He supports nullification and once suggested that Texas secede from the Union.
The doctrine of nullification, in which a state claims the right to reject and refuse to enforce a federal law, was discredited a long time ago -- in 1832, specifically, when South Carolina declared the federal tariffs of 1828 and 1832 unconstitutional. Congress responded by authorizing President Andrew Jackson to deploy the military, and after a new tariff was negotiated, South Carolina abandoned its nullification attempt in March 1833.
But in June, more than 170 years after the Nullification Crisis, the Texas legislature passed a bill to let "any incandescent light bulb manufactured in Texas and sold in this state avoid the authority of the federal government or the repeal of the 2007 energy independence act that starts phasing out some incandescent light bulbs next year," the Fort Worth Star-Telegram reported -- and Perry signed it into law. With this bill, the state is outright refusing to enforce a federal law. Defending states' rights under the 10th Amendment is one thing, but using a rejected, pre-Civil War tactic is not going to get Perry many votes.
In 2009, he also implied that Texas would consider seceding if the Obama administration kept pursuing policies he found objectionable. "There's absolutely no reason to dissolve it," he said of the United States, "but if Washington continues to thumb their nose at the American people, you know, who knows what might come out of that." Many commentators and voters have noted how incongruous it seems for Perry to be running for president of a nation from which he suggested, even in passing, that his state might secede.
3. He questions the patriotism of top government officials.
"If this guy prints more money between now and the election, I don't know what y'all would do to him in Iowa, but we would treat him pretty ugly down in Texas," Perry said of the possibility that Ben Bernanke, the Federal Reserve chairman, would order the purchase of trillions of dollars of bonds in order to boost the economy. "Printing more money to play politics at this particular time in American history is almost treacherous, or treasonous in my opinion." Of the Federal Reserve as an institution, he said a full audit "would go a long way toward either finding out whether or not there is some activities that are improper or that they've been handling themselves quite well. But until they do that, I think there will continue to be questions about their activity and what their true goal is for the United States." Even Karl Rove, Republican strategist extraordinaire, called Perry's remarks "unpresidential."
Perry also appeared to question President Obama's patriotism in a remark he made to Danny Yadron of The Wall Street Journal. Asked whether a previous comment meant that he thought Obama didn't love the country, Perry said, "I don't know, you need to ask him." On another occasion, he implied that members of the military did not respect Obama as their commander-in-chief and criticized Obama for never serving in the military. "If you polled the military, the active duty and veterans, and said, 'Would you rather have a president of the United States that never served a day in the military or someone who is a veteran?' they're going to say, I would venture, that they would like to have a veteran," he said. "The president had the opportunity to serve his country. I'm sure at some time he made the decision that isn't what he wanted to do."
If he wants to win the election, Perry would do better to attack Obama's policies than to attack his patriotism. We saw how well focusing on Obama's birth certificate worked for Donald Trump.
2. He mixes religion and politics openly and unapologetically.
Public declarations of faith are not an obstacle for presidential candidates. In some ways, they have practically become a requisite: an apparent lack of religious belief could be very damaging to a presidential campaign. But Perry takes it several steps further. For example, on Aug. 6, he held a prayer rally in Houston, which he concluded with the following: "Lord, you are the source of every good thing. You are our only hope. And we stand before you today in awe of your power and in gratitude for your blessings, in humility for our sins. Father, our heart breaks for America. We see discord at home. We see fear in the marketplace. We see angers in the halls of government. And as a nation we have forgotten who made us, who protects us, who blesses us, and for that we cry out for your forgiveness."
The potential political quicksand here was not the profession of belief or even the public prayer: it was the appeal for forgiveness because the United States had forgotten its debt to God and to the Christian faith. That raised a host of uncomfortable questions about the First Amendment and the separation of church and state.
In April, as Texas suffered through a drought more severe than anything it had seen since the Dust Bowl, Perry officially designated three days as "Days of Prayer for Rain in the State of Texas." His proclamation read in part, "Whereas throughout our history, both as a state and as individuals, Texans have been strengthened, assured and lifted up through prayer; it seems right and fitting that the people of Texas should join together in prayer to humbly seek an end to this devastating drought and these dangerous wildfires." The three days of prayer did not bring rain -- more than four months later, the drought continues -- but they did bring public ridicule from Perry's critics, and they will likely be even more of a problem when it comes time to win over the general electorate, rather than just Republicans.
1. He contradicts himself.
At first glance, Perry's positions seem rock-solidly consistent, if extreme. He is a staunch supporter of states' rights, for example, and in July, he told reporters in Houston, "You either have to believe in the 10th Amendment or you don't. You can't believe in the 10th Amendment for a few issues and then something that doesn't suit you, say, 'We'd rather not have states decide that.'" An admirable principle -- except he hasn't followed it.
After New York legalized gay marriage in June, he stood by his words for a while. "You know what? That's New York, and that's their business, and that's fine with me. That is their call," he said. "If you believe in the 10th Amendment, stay out of their business." But he soon changed his mind. "I do respect a state's right to have a different opinion and take a different tack, if you will. California did that," he said in August. "I respect that right, but our Founding Fathers also said, 'Listen, if you all in the future think things are so important that you need to change the Constitution, here's the way you do it.'" It is rather difficult to reconcile that last statement -- that some things are "so important" that the federal government should override the states -- with his previous statement that a 10th Amendment advocate cannot just make an exception for "something that doesn't suit you."
Then there is his unwavering commitment to small government -- except when it comes to "homosexual sodomy," which Texas once banned. The Supreme Court found the ban unconstitutional in its landmark Lawrence v. Texas ruling in 2003, and Perry was infuriated, even though the ruling was consistent with his own stated belief that the government should not interfere in individuals' personal lives. As these and other inconsistencies come into the open, many supporters will stick with Perry regardless, but others will almost certainly walk away.
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